Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (hereinafter “GTCS”) govern the use of the APPY-UP platform by : Users (hereinafter “Users”) who access immediate discounts on services. Professionals (hereinafter “Partners”) who offer their services on the platform. Conditions for Users.

Registration to APPY-UP is free for all users. Users must provide accurate and complete information when creating their account. Any false information may result in account deletion.

Users can access immediate discounts on the services of geolocated Partners. Offers and discounts are strictly personal and may not be resold or shared. Users must comply with the terms and conditions specific to each discount or service displayed on the application.

APPY-UP acts as an intermediary and is not responsible for services rendered by Partners. Users are responsible for any misuse of their account or discounts obtained.

APPY-UP collects user data in compliance with applicable regulations. Users may request the deletion of their data at any time.

Users may request deletion of their account directly via the application. APPY-UP reserves the right to suspend or delete an account in the event of non-compliance with these terms and conditions. Conditions for Professionals (Partners).

Registration for APPY-UP is reserved for professionals with a SIRET number or official equivalent. The Partner must provide accurate and complete information when registering. Any false information may result in the suspension or deletion of the account.

Partners undertake to offer discounts in line with those displayed in the application. Discounts must offer a minimum of 10% off per promotional offer. Offers must be clear, precise and not misleading. In the event of non-compliance, APPY-UP reserves the right to suspend or delete the professional account.

APPY-UP offers options to promote Partners, billed separately. APPY-UP does not guarantee a minimum volume of customers or transactions for Partners.

The contract binding the Partner to APPY-UP is valid for a period of 12 months from the validation of the registration. The contract is not automatically renewed. The Partner must make a new one-time payment to extend access.

The Partner is solely responsible for the quality of services or products offered via APPY-UP. APPY-UP does not intervene in the contractual relationship between the Partner and the User.

APPY-UP may unilaterally terminate the contract in case of non-compliance with the GTC by the Partner. The Partner may cease to use the services of APPY-UP at the end of 12 months without making further payment. Common provisions.

APPY-UP reserves the right to modify these GTC. Users and Partners will be informed of changes at least 30 days before they come into force.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact our customer service department at support@appy-up.com.